Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Where in the World is Warren Truss?

I'm trying to watch the real alternative Deputy Prime Minister Nationals' Warren Truss at the National Press Club. It's not easy. He's parroting the WA State slogans about the regions. He's proposing regional programs for the regions in areas like education despite the Coalition's vacuum on education policy.

He's proud of stopping the Emissions Trading Scheme that the National Farmers Federation strongly supported.

He seems to proposing a national hospital system. Wonder what the Western Australian colleagues think about that?

Lots of rhetoric and little detail or new programs. They must be the new green party going by their campaign slogan Think Local, Vote National which is of course a contradiction in terms. Is that a fancy way of saying pork-barrel? How come the media aren't caning the Nats for that one.

He's struggling on stay-at-home mothers versus paid parental leave, that has split the Coalition.

Waiting for a testing question on the National Broadband Network that the Coalition is against but his own members are keen about.

On water, he's quite open about the fight with Tony Abbott over his proposed referendum to take over the Murray Darling.

Anyway most people think Barnaby Joyce is the Nationals' leader. Haven't heard much concrete from him lately. Perhaps his minders are afraid the real Barnaby might have a "things that batter" moment like Tony Abbott's 'when Julia Gillard says "no, she really means it"' gaff yesterday.

Couldn't see Laurie Oakes in the audience. Might explain how few really probing questions were asked.

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