Monday, August 23, 2010

Now for the Nationals Broadband Network?

While we wait for Sharryn Jackson to win Hasluck, a little speculation surrounding the unthinkable alternatives.

Will urban Australia help to fund a country version of the National Broadband Network? a country version of the education revolution?

Who would be the real losers if the $10 billion from the Resource Rent Tax goes west.

Were the mainstream media aware that Nationals and ex-Nationals were likely to decide our political fates?

Was the agreement between the 3 conservative independents mentioned publicly during the campaign? Did any journalists ask them about any wheeling and dealing? (I was out of the country for the 8 days before election night so I missed a bit.)

How many disgruntled voters realised that Warren Truss would be Deputy PM in a coalition government?

How much nasty stuff might still sneak through with Fielding's vote before July next year?

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1 comment:

ACHPER said...

Hi Kevin
Really enjoyed your website, I am searching for a speaker on UN Millenium goals with a group of teachers tomorrow night at Box Hill Seniore Secondary College and wondered if you would be able to help me out? It will be held from 4.30 - 6.00 pm if you could contact me at I would be very grateful.
Cheers jo

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