Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bubbles, Bailouts and Stimulus Plans

Mong Palatino, a Filipino currently living in California, has posted the second of his articles for Global Voices on the global economic crisis:

Identifying the economic woes of the United States is crucial. But we should also understand that other countries are also grappling with bankrupt companies and shrinking economies. Many countries are also implementing their own stimulus plans. What are some of the examples used by bloggers around the world when they discuss the bubble economies, bailout of banks and stimulus plans of their countries?
Global: Bubbles, Bailouts and Stimulus Plans
He's now planning more articles and has requested help identifying bloggers on these topics:
3rd article

-- Stories about creative / ingenious ideas of entrepreneurs in remodeling
their businesses in response to the crisis
-- industries which are flourishing despite / because of the crisis
-- survival tips
-- effect of crisis on small businesses, big corporations

4th article

- a brief overview of global job losses
-- migrant workers returning home because of downsizing
-- job hunting stories
-- changes in the job market, job preparation.
Please leave any suggestions in Comments.

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