Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Work Choices: Gone but not forgotten!

The Senate has passed the bill to roll back John wHoward's Work Choices legislation.

To all those who fought so hard to defeat AWAs and the rest of the Coalition's attack on workers' rights and working conditions: THANKS!

A very special thanks to all those who worked before the election and on polling day to bring about real change.

To Emily and Torina at the Queanbeyan booth handing out Your Rights at Work how-to-vote cards.

The video of polling day around Canberra is worth replaying:

To Greg Combet and Sharon Burrow for sticking to the task and leading the way against overwhelming odds.

They said they would do what it takes but it was very hard to be optimistic in 2005 when Greg said:

I am confident that if we have the courage to stand up for our values, to provide the leadership, to fight for our cause, to reach out to others and invite them to join us, we will win.
Work Choices - the challenges ahead 15 November 2005

A real cause for celebration!

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